Thursday, May 8, 2014

I need to get my shit together.

Its been over a year since opening my credit card, and that little fucker still hasn't been paid off. Which is inexcusable. I earn close to $300 a week, so that account should be at 0 right now. Spoiler alert, it's not.

So obviously something needs to change. And I'm thinking it's my coffee habit. I really need to start making my coffee at home again, because this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to make an exel sheet of how I need to break up my paychecks, and then do that for the following 2 months. And by that point, I should have my credit card paid off and hopefully some money in my savings. And money saved up for teeth whitening ($300) and a new iPod (because my old one now refuses to work).

I also need to cleanse my life. With the food I eat, the shit I own, how I am living my life, etcetera. First step? Drinking water. And clean my room.

And stop wasting 50 bucks a month for a gym membership that I don't use. I need to get off my ass and actually start going to the gym again.

I should stop going out for crappy food, and start making my meals. It's cheaper and this way I actually know what is going into my body.

This is going to be a hectic next couple of months, but hopefully I'll be in a better place because of them.

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