Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life Detox

Step 1: Treat Yourself
The first step to any life detox is to treat yourself. Go get your nails done (boys, too), go to the beach and read, get a massage, go do something that you enjoy that will relax you and give your body some stress-free time.

Step 2: Start With Your Clothes
Most if us are victims of "if I lose weight, maybe I'll fit these jeans again." Hell, I know I am. We have to let that go. That's not giving us any happiness. Go through all your clothes, and get rid of those that don't make you feel amazing. Why have those kind of clothes cluttering up your space? If you're in the middle (or planning to start) a weight loss plan, keep that one dress, or that one pair of jeans as a goal.

Step 3: Get yourself some running shoes. Or access to a pool.
Seriously, excerising is a great way to start feeling good about yourself. It sets off your endorphins, your clothes start getting lighter, it's awesome. And you don't need a gym membership to do it! (It helps, but you don't need it.) Go out and buy a good pair of running shoes to start running away from your problems and building up the strength to come back to your problems later.

Step 4: Deep clean.
Clean your shower, your kitchen, your living room, your book shelf, just start cleaning. It opens up your living atmosphere, it's helps to de-stress, and you get to de-clutter and start putting things in your house that you really want. Seriously, does anyone really need those broken, lost lid Tupperware containers anymore? Go get a new set and stop stressing about finding a lid that fits!

Step 5: Start making lists and getting organized.
Now that we've all de-cluttered our houses/apartments/bedrooms, start making lists. The lists can be anything you want it to be, from what to get at the grocery store, to goals for the next week, to what you need to drop in your life to make you happier. Get a planner. You'll become more organized and it helps to note things down so they don't get forgotten. Start organizing your life in the small ways. It really acts as a way to prevent more stress grays from growing in.

Good luck with everyone's life detox!

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