Monday, April 29, 2013

The weirdest happenstance just occurred to me.

I was getting in my car to drive to CVS and Starbucks because I was craving coffee and dark chocolate (I've long since lost the will to battle my cravings), and I open my door to find a bunch of deflated neon balloons. I asked both my mom and brother if they've been driving my car, and when they denied it, I called my dad. Who, directly after answering, put me on the phone with some stranger. The conversation is as follows.

Bold is for the stranger, italics are for me.

"Hello? Is this Alex?"
"...Yes? Hello."
"Hi, your dad put me on the phone since he's talking to my friend."
"So what's up?"
"I was actually calling to ask my dad if he has been driving my car and has left neon balloons in it."
"Yes, balloons. Could you ask him for me?"
"Yeah. Sure.....he says it wasn't him."
"I highly doubt that, but thanks."
"Yeah. So what town are we in."
"Excuse me?"
"The town? Where are we?"
"Are you talking to me?"
"I have no idea what town you're in."
"You don't know what town you live in?"
"I know what town I live in. I have no idea where you are."
"Oh. So what town are you in?"
"I have no idea where that is."
"Yeah, not many do."
"And that's not where I am?"
"Since my dad is not currently"
"Oh. Yeah. I have no idea where we are. We were out hiking at the beach, and we wanted to go to a bar, so we hitched a ride with your dad, and here we are."
"That's...not strange at all."
"Right? Completely normal."
"Oh definitely."
"It's what you do often, isn't it?"
"Oh totally. That's what I spend my free time doing. Beach, and then bars."
"Right on. So how old are you?"
"I'm 19."
"Yes. So obviously I don't spend my time at bars. Since I am technically not allowed in."
"Only technically?"
"Only technically."
"Well there is a big difference between 'technicalities' and 'legalities'."
"Yes. There is that. But technically I could get in if I wanted to."
"That's true. I'm 22, but right before I was 21, I would go into bars and order drinks, and they don't even ID you. Like...they don't even care. But if you go into a restaurant and order a drink, that's when they ID you, and it's like '...shit.'"
"Yeah, that tends to occur."
"So are you going to school?"
"Yeah, I'm in college."
"Right on. Where do you go?"
"If you haven't heard of Saugus, you're not going to have heard of my school."
"Yeah. Oh shit. Hold on, someone is calling on the other line, so I should probably check that with your dad."
"You probably should."
"Well it's been fun talking to you."
"It's been quite a thrilling conversation."

And then my dad gets back on the phone, tells me he'll call me back, and then hangs up.

I don't even know what just occurred.

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