Friday, November 2, 2012

Well push me honey to the up and right

We've been waiting but we're next in line

Since I am sitting outside of Starbucks, freezing my fingers off, I felt I could warm up said fingers with typing up the happenstance of the concert.
Walk The Moon and Gold Fields are amazing.

Amylou (the girl I went with) arrived at my house an hour and a half early so we could kind of get ready together. Really, she did her make up while helping me pick out something to wear, and then I did my make up.

We left at about 5ish because we didn't want to hit traffic, I needed my coffee, and Amylou needed Wendy's. The email said the doors opened at 7, but neither of us realized that it was referring to the gates for parking. So we drove around, Amylou reminding me not to get lost. I didn't get lost. I'm just good like that. And then we drove back to the studio and did the valet parking.

We walked in, got our white wristbands (blue for those over 21), and into Capitol Studios we went. We swooned. We both love singing and we thinking about how amazing it would be recording in a place like this and all the incredible artists who have recorded here before. It was amazing wandering around.

Eventually we made our way outside, where the stage was.

I went to go get water, and Amylou made her way to the stage. She got right in the front, and since it was an invitation only event, it was a more relaxed atmosphere. And they didn't have the fence in front of the stage, so thats where she put her bag. Thats also where I sat while waiting for the bands.

And then Gold Fields came on. And they were amazing. And from Australia. (Australia? Yes. Australia.) And really really good. Their drummers were PHENOMENAL. Just the passion that you could see when they played was amazing to watch. They were incredible.

And then we got to wait for Walk The Moon. To which I got to talk to the nice ladies behind us. Who were also fans of Freelance Whales and Charlene Kaye and Guns N' Hoses. They were at the Guns N' Hoses show! And they got to meet Mia Swier! I am so jealous!

And then the boys came out to start setting up. And the girl we had been talking to got a hug from Kevin because the first time she asked, he said he was working, so she blamed it on the alcohol.
Isn't he cute?
 And then Nicholas came on stage to help set up.
His pants are blue. And they are awesome.

The concert was astounding. So good. So so so good. They charmed the pants off the crowd. Well they charmed my pants off. (I had leggings on under my dress and all the body heat forced me to take those off because it was way too hot in that crowd.) They were sweet and knew how to get the crowd on their feet and singing along and it was a great, personal concert.

And then of course we got to meet them. THEY ARE SO NICE. 

Us with Kevin.

Nicholas even complimented my dress!
And can I point out how I'm tucked under his chin? No? Okay.

Eli is such a sweetheart.

Imagine a picture of us with Sean.
We didn't get one. It was sad.

And then we got their autographs, of course.

And we got gift bags! If we turned in our bracelet at the end of the night, we would get a gift bag. Which was a bag, a shirt, and a Mobile Boombox! Which I may have to sell, because I don't have the kind of phone that works with it.

We got home at around 1 a.m. and we were tired. But the exhaustion was so worth it for that concert. Such a great night!

It took me quite a while to type this all up, but I was gathering pictures and didn't have the time to actually sit here and type it all up? I guess that's the only reasoning I can think of.

And so now, I shall go take my brother to Active so he can get socks, read a little of Pride and Prejudice, and go ref a soccer game. Who says Friday nights are for partying?

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