Sunday, October 7, 2012

A little taste of country...and a baby shower.

My mom's cousin is visiting us this weekend from Texas. From where my parents are also from. Suffice to say, southern accents have been running rampage this weekend. And when I'm around family, my accent gets real heavy.

Ignoring this piece of information for now and back tracking to shooting the coke cans this morning: Within the next hour, we had to leave to go to a baby shower (of which was boring and pointless and not really happy, but we'll get back to that later).  Said baby shower needed us to bring some form of snack, which we did. It took us 30 minutes, and I can happily say that I have perfected the art of making fruit balls.

The final product:

If there is anything in my life that I can be proud of, it would be this water melon baby.

The problem arose when we got to the house, though.  We needed to get there early because we were helping set up, only to find the hostess of the baby shower "sick with the flu". (We're all banking on hung over, but you didn't hear that from me.) So my mother got to take care of everything and act as hostess for the "sick".

Have you ever attended a get-together and it was obvious that it was a dud? It wasn't quite to that extent, but we played games. Not even the fun baby shower games (Like the melted chocolate in the diaper game), but games like baby bingo. And baby ad-libs. I have an example below. (My mother has horrible handwriting, so I've taken the liberty to put a text box over the writing.)
I will admit, I got a kick out of this and thought it hilarious.

HOWEVER, we left a little early so we could get to a BBQ with some of my dad's friends.  To which was very southern.

I had worn a dress with my cowboy boots today, and let me tell you, those were new boots. Which have yet to be stretched. And anyone who owns cowboy boots can tell you how much a pair of boots can hurt when not appropriately stretched.

The BBQ was at a friend's ranch, so of course everyone went horseback riding and roping. And there is nothing better than having country folk fix up a BBQ.  Brisket, tri-tip, beans, ribs, mashed potatoes, all of it.  And the dessert? Ice cream and pie, of course. They won a part of my heart when they brought out pumpkin pie.  Hard to eat everything when you're outside in the pitch black, though. The light had gone out earlier, so we were eating by the (practically nonexistent) moonlight.

Moral of the story, being a county woman is hard work. And it's even worse when preparing for a baby shower. My day is all country-ed out. My accent is heavy, my feet hurt from my boots, I smell like horse, and I'm all filled up on brisket, beans, and pumpkin pie.

But on the bright side, I have perfected fruit balls.

Seems to be a pretty good day to me!

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