Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why do we get dressed up for concerts?

Do we actually think that  the band members up on stage are going to be able to pick us out of a huge, screaming crowd and say "That's the one. I want to date that one."

Highly unlikely.

So why do we go through the stress of trying to make ourselves look the best we ever have?

I'm being a hypocrite. Here I am, setting my alarm 45 minutes early so I can shave, and then spend most of my shower trying to do the best shave possible. But really. No one is going to be feeling my legs. No one is even going to be looking at my legs. They're going to be looking on stage. Where the band is. You know, the reason for the concert. And try as I might, the band members won't be feeling my legs either.

But that's not all. We carefully construct the most flattering outfit from our clothing, and we take extra time on our hair and makeup (girls). For what? That one picture that we might be able to take with the band? We're only another face in the crowd for them. Another flash of the camera. Another sweaty body to hold close for those brief 3 seconds.

Do we do it for each other? Possible, but still unlikely. People don't go to concerts to judge how the other fans look. They could go to the mall for that. Or, you know, back to high school.

Or maybe it'll be that moment, and we'll meet the love of our life there. We do hear stories of that, but those 2 or 3 stories against how many concerts? As much as we dream about it, the chance is so rare of that happening.

The best guess is for ourselves. But we see ourselves on our worst days. When our hair is ratty, face covered in pimples, body odor so strong that even our animals won't go near us. Are we making up for that? Is it that we want no one to know we're human, so we try to make ourselves look as close to perfect as possible? How stressful.

Why do we do it?

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